I was so excited to meet my (Sole) Sisters for our usual Wednesday run, even if it was 90-some degrees in the shade. I busted my butt to get home on time, got dinner made and was out the door to pick up the kids in record time. We were going to make it! Then, everything went sideways...Murphy's law, I know. Discussions about behavior, cranky, crabby, and otherwise unhappy, my kids were not cooperating with my plan. To top it all off, I realized when I did get home that in my rush to get out the door I'd turned OFF the oven I'd preheated, so the dinner I'd busted my butt to get done early was not even halfway cooked. Sigh... What to do? Skip the planned run or find another way? I opted to take the kids with me to the gym and run on the treadmill. The alternative, no run at all, was even less appealing than the "dread mill." Dutifully I stepped up, wondering how I was going to combat the boredom that seems to creep its way into just ab...