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Showing posts from 2014

Chicago Polar Dash - Race Recap

Well, after an unplanned break from blogging ( ah, the joys of graduate school and the holidays! ), I can officially say - I am BACK! 2014 is a new year and I've got big plans, big aspirations, and big events coming this year. But, more on that later… For now I attempt my first race recap - forgive me if it sucks. After the difficulty to complete last year's challenge of 13 in 2013 and the major events coming in 2014 ( HELLO graduation!!!!) ,  I knew a lot of races wasn't an option this year. Enter the year of BIG races. I'm still going to do a handful of races, but they'll be larger distances or big, fun events to travel to. Either way, each race will be carefully selected. :) The Chicago Polar Dash was my first race of 2014. Why did I choose this race? A couple of reasons really: 1) My friend Jess from  Run With Jess  was doing it and I've always wanted to do a race with her, 2) it had GREAT swag, and 3) it was a 14 mile race which would set a new distan...